*sighs* I know I know my updates have gotten kinda laxed here lately.But for good reason! School was comin to a close and the teachers had to get a bunch of grades in. *Grumbles* but no more of that! Schools out for the summer ^-^ thank God!
Ok now for the update!... lessee now... fanfic contest is under way. we'll be accepting entries until June 30. So make sure you enter that... Fanart is up (but sadly no one sends their beautiful artwork to poor poor Ann-chan)
I opened an image gallary. That's just one of those lovely places that have a bunch of pictures in it. Nothing to-to serious... Getting some gundam wing pics in there right now...
My fic site is up I should have the link to that (should doesn't mean I'm gonna!) I think that's all... a special guest will be joining us Friday. so until then
Ann-chan signing out!